200 Hour Multi Style Yoga Yeacher Training Course

Aayaa Yoga School Bali

Our 200-hour multi-style yoga teacher training course is the ideal combination of theory and practice. It includes a thorough understanding of various yoga styles, such as Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Aerial yoga, Meditation, Bhakti yoga. Aside from practical knowledge, you will learn about yogic texts, yogic philosophy, meditation concepts, various yogic techniques, as well as Anatomy, Physiology, and teaching methodology.

Since we teach a multi-style yoga practice including Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga (dynamic flow), Ashtanga yoga, Aerial yoga and Acro yoga along with many other traditions of India. Hence this provides the Yogi with an open platform to choose their own style of yoga practice and teaching in which they want to pursue the journey in future. At AAYAA we focus on sharing traditional yogic teachings,which designs our course on the core principles of Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga is a Sanskrit word which in English means eight limbs of Yoga it covers all aspects of yoga practices from basics to advance levels. The course at AAYAA includes all Yoga postures, Yamas and Niyama's, Pranayama & Shat-karma's, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Yoga anatomy & physiology, postures alignment & adjustment. We aim to ensure that when our students step out from our training they are equipped with a sound knowledge of all subjects and applications of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns etc.) in order to bring forth inspired yoga teachers that in turn will promote a better tomorrow.

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900+ & counting

Students Trained

19 days of instruction and training

Get your Yoga teachers certification in 22 days

At AAYAA Yoga we have created one of the most comprehensive and intense course since our aim is to help the Yogi's and the Yogini's towards a highly professional and qualified yoga teachers certification AAYAA Yoga Teacher Training Course is a certified course by Yoga Alliance which is the Certification acknowledged and valued worldwide enabling you the permission to teach Yoga. All courses a at AAYAA Yoga are devised after in-depth study of Yogic texts and by expert teachers who have years of experience in Yoga techniques.

Significance of Certification

At AAYAA Our mission is to drive a deep sense of self, well-being, liberation, and education to all students through the embodiment of our ethical values. Our team consists of highly qualified trainers hailing from various backgrounds, each with personal and academic experience. Our 200 Hour Multi-Style AAYAA YOGA TEACHERS TRAINING IN BALI is beneficial for beginners and intermediate students, who are willing to teach yoga and choose yoga teaching as a career option, and additionally for those who wish to deepen their practice and understanding of yoga, or just improve their quality of life. Our organizers made their contributions to their life's purpose. Our 200 Hour Multi-Style Yoga Teachers Training Course is designed to support in transforming you into most powerful, authentic, impactful version of yourself. After the completion of the course, you will be registered with Yoga Alliance Certification.

AAYAA Techniques, Training, and Practice

One of the most significant and necessary aspects of the training is Yoga teaching techniques. This section of the course comprises training, practising, and teaching techniques of classic Yoga practises such as Asana (yoga postures) according to the various yoga styles that we will teach in the course.

  • You will learn to witness, several asanas, their modifications, changes, contraindications and various methods to use props which with practice you shall master and teach.
  • You will learn about the theory and practice of standing postures, sitting postures, inversions, backward extensions, arm balances and various other postures.
  • There will be in-depth Study and practical teaching of Mantras, Kriyas, Pranayama's and several techniques of Meditation
  • You will master the Asanas on developing the standard of body alignment, witnessing and honing awareness of deeper physiological processes during the practice of each posture.
  • You shall learn about Bhakti Yoga which includes Mantra chanting, Kirtans and Satsang
  • Most importantly you will learn about Karma Yoga. All these techniques help in Cleansing, Channelizing and Locking Energy in your body to the right principles

Anatomy and Physiology

This session will cover the following topics: general human body movement and terminology. The neurological, endocrine, respiratory, skeletal, and muscular systems, as well as their interrelationships, in the context of yoga practice.

  • In this the main Learning will be detailing about the human system with specialization in bones, muscles, origin, and insertions of muscles with nerve impulse.
  • You will learn the Basic summary of the structure and functions (Anatomy and Physiology) of various systems within the physical body.
  • The most interesting part is Anatomy of Pranayama which specializes in Energy Systems, Chakras, Energy Bodies and also the vascular system.
  • With these lessons you will be an expert in Practical implementation of Anatomy and Physiology in Yoga Practices.
  • Yoga asana benefits and contraindications 'Yoga's Key Muscles'.
  • The body's pranic energy channels.
  • The pancha koshas (sheath).
  • The universe's five elements.
  • The chakras (seven energy centres).

Teaching Methodology & Strategy

This module's goal is to teach you the skill of teaching as well as the business and marketing sides of yoga: Develop traits of a competent teacher such as voice tone, timing, class planning, asana sequencing, and the art of correction and alignment. Get the chance to hone your skills by teaching in small and large groups with other students.

  • You will be Learning the art of alignment in asana poses and hands-on adjustment with the support of props
  • Master the art of Sorting and Sequencing of Asanas
  • The training includes Qualities and Conduct of a yoga trainer capable of leading a session
  • You will also be Learning some Sanskrit language words to understand the basics of Yoga

Yoga philosophy, lifestyle & ethics

In yoga philosophy, you will discover the purpose and goals of yoga, as well as the ethics and practises of living a yogic lifestyle coz being a Yogi you need to have a understanding of

  • WHAT Yoga philosophy entails: YOGAPRADIPIKA.
  • WHAT Yoga is defined as:
  • WHY Yoga Pathways (jnana, raja, bhakti and karma yoga)
  • WHY Patanjali Yoga Sutras have eight limbs.
  • HOW some Yogis became notable yogis by reading their Biographies
  • Understand The 'Bhagavad Gita' is an old scripture that has been studied.
  • WHY Yogic diet and way of life

What our students have to say...

Course Details

  • Practice the ashtanga vinyasa fundamental series (K. Pattabhi Jois).
  • Self-practice and class leadership (Mysore style).
  • Learn how to modify the pupils' behaviour.
  • Discover how to adjust the tough poses.
  • Make your own vinyasa flow sequence.
  • Learn how to do safe adjustments and corrections during Vinyasa Yoga class.
  • KEY CONCEPTS: Drishti, Bandhas, and Ujjayi Breath.
  • Alignment is the key: study and break down each pose to truly understand the biomechanics of the asanas.
  • Sequencing is the art: experience and apply different strategies to make your vinyasa flow unique and creative in each of your classes.
  • Learn asanas, the ancient Indian method.
  • Learn about Sivananda sequence: 12 basic asanas.
  • Practice traditional hatha yoga with the help of props.
  • Experience restorative yoga and its therapeutic benefits.
  • Learn the different aspects of asthanga yoga: pranayama, mudras, bhandas, kriyas…
  • Learn about the various parts of yoga, such as pranayama, mudras, bandhas, and kriyas.
  • Learn about Vedanta philosophy and the Bhagavad Gita, the most fundamental yogic literature.
  • Experiment with anti-gravity!
  • Take use of all the advantages of inversion stances.
  • Increase your flexibility, strength, core stability, and coordination.
  • Learn how to create therapeutic treatment sequences.
  • Push yourself to your limits and fly!
  • Daily morning meditation with intention setting.
  • Pranic meditation.
  • Study the Vedanta philosophy and the most important yogic text.
  • Yoga Nidra.
  • Trataka (candle light meditation).
  • Meditation on a cycle (stress management).
  • Meditation in motion.
  • Performing bhajan-kirtan with live music.
  • Havan (fire ceremony for invocating energy).
  • Ajapa-japa (repetition of mantra).
  • Dancing & Getting into a stage of Bliss.
  • Feel the path BHAKTI YOGA.
  • Live music is used to perform bhajan-kirtan.
  • Learn how to trust: “As you learn to support others, you end up allowing yourself to be supported. This is a fundamental of trust: take control by letting go” (Daniel Scott).
  • Partner yoga practice.
  • Introduction to the basics of acroyoga: base, flyer, spotter.
  • Proper Alignment.
  • A Multidisciplinary Approach.
  • Facilitators who are certified.
  • Yoga in Various Styles.
  • Asana Variations.
  • Lesson Plans Based on a Theme.
  • Yoga for beginners, movers, and flyers.

Package Inclusions

Here at Aayaa we focus on providing great accomodation and facilities, so that you focus in your spiritual path.


200 Hours Multi Style Course Certification From Yoga Alliance

EUR 1600/ 21 nights
  • Free airport pick up (drop off will be chargeable)
  • Three Sativik Meals a day
  • Purified drinking water, tea & coffee: available 24X7
  • 1 free excursion to Water Purification Ceremony
  • Access to swimming pool
  • Free WiFi
  • Yoga Manual, Yoga Props, Yoga Mat, Note Pad, Pen & Equipment all Provided

Twin Room

200 Hours Multi Style Course Certification From Yoga Alliance

EUR 1200/ 21 nights
  • Free airport pick up (drop off will be chargeable)
  • Three Sativik Meals a day
  • Purified drinking water, tea & coffee: available 24X7
  • 1 free excursion to Water Purification Ceremony
  • Access to swimming pool
  • Free WiFi
  • Yoga Manual, Yoga Props, Yoga Mat, Note Pad, Pen & Equipment all Provided

Triple Room

200 Hours Multi Style Course Certification From Yoga Alliance

EUR 1100/ 21 nights
  • Free airport pick up (drop off will be chargeable)
  • Three Sativik Meals a day
  • Purified drinking water, tea & coffee: available 24X7
  • 1 free excursion to Water Purification Ceremony
  • Access to swimming pool
  • Free WiFi
  • Yoga Manual, Yoga Props, Yoga Mat, Note Pad, Pen & Equipment all Provided
Course DatePrivate RoomDouble RoomTriple RoomRegistration
25 August to 15 September 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
01 September to 22 September 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
08 September to 29 September 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
15 September to 06 October 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
22 September to 13 October 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
29 September to 20 October 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
06 October to 27 October 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
13 October to 3 November 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
20 October to 10 November 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
27 October to 17 November 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
3 November to 24 November 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
10 November to 1st December 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
17 November to 8 December 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
24 November to 15 December 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
1 December to 22 December 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
8 December to 29 December 2024EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
15 December to 5 Janauary 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
22nd December to 12 January 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
29 December 2024 to 19 January 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
5 January to 26 January 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
12 January to 2nd February 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
19 January to 9 February 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
26 January to 16 February 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
2nd February to 23 February 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
9 February to 2 March 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
16 February to 9 March 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
2 February to 16 March 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
2 March to 23 March 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
9th March to 30 March 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
16 March to 6 April 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
23 March to 13 April 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
30 March to 20 April 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now
6 April to 27 April 2025EUR 1600EUR 1200EUR 1100Enquire Now

Ready to dive in?Start your spiritual journey today.

Welcome to the world of AAYAA, Its all in the name
AAYAA - "All About Yoga And Ayurveda."
AAYAA is the ultimate destination for all your queries - its that one center where you get answers for your heart and soul

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  • Aayaa Yoga Permana cottage Jalan bisma Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
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